Sunday, December 05, 2004

A few thoughts on Rumsfeld

This is from the Bull Moose:

"Despite the mass exodus, the incompetent one remains -Rummy. All that happened on his watch was an abysmal post-war plan and a prison scandal. This confirms that the only ones held accountable in this Administration are welfare mothers and struggling third grade students. For them, standards and accountability apply. For Rumsfeld, he is just passed along to the next grade (or term) regardless of his performance. "

And from Talking Points Memo:

One criticism of the president that loomed large in the last election -- and not just among Democrats but with many Republicans too -- was that this president either does not recognize or will not admit mistakes. And whichever it was, there was no accountability for them. In most cases those 'mistakes' people were talking about were ones under Rumsfeld's purview. And he would seem to be the only one -- certainly the only one of the principals -- that the president insists on keeping in place.

In this administration, the buck may not stop at the Oval Office, but the hard line against accountability sure does start there.

Accountability is one of a number of issues in which President Bush seems to have difficulty applying his faith to his vocation. While many who voted against Bush feared his faith playing too large a role in the way he governs, my fear is that it does not play a large enough role.

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