Monday, May 09, 2005

Questions for Both Sides

Christianity Today's website has an article that is subtitled Terri Schiavo prompted a national debate, but there's still much unresolved. I wonder if enough time has passed to actually dig in and discuss these kinds of questions. One of the online discussions that I participate in seems to still be too emotional, with everyone still arguing over the facts in Schiavo's situation instead of discussing what should happen in the future. I hope that there really is a national debate, but the media has moved on to the "latest" news.

This end-of-life debate has moved on to a debate about judges and the nuclear option, which seems to confirm the cynical interpretation that some conservatives were using Schiavo for political reasons. (The Republican memo that talked about opportunities in the Schiavo situation also confirms this interpretation!) I know that many politicians truly were concerned for Terri Schiavo and her parents, but so many Senators in the late night debate not being able to pronounce her name correctly makes me question their sincerity.

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