Saturday, June 07, 2008

More Initiative Games

The day after this incident occurred, we received a phone call at the kitchen. The conversation went something like this:

Caller: Do you ever do team building activities?

Me: Well, we just had one yesterday.
Me (what I'm thinking): We just had our first one ever yesterday.

Caller: Wow, great! What do you typically do for those activities?

Me: Yesterday the group who came had their own facilitator. They formed two different teams and had different obstacles to overcome as they assembled each entree. The obstacles were things like only one team member could see the recipe, and they had to communicate the instructions to the rest of their team using charades. Others involved making their entrees blindfolded or with the groups hands tied together.
Me (what I'm thinking): Typically?!? All we did yesterday was set up the stations and let the professional run the show.

Caller: Oh, that's perfect - much better than the ideas I had. Can I bring 5 of my employees to your kitchen next week and have you facilitate the activities?

Me: Let me check our schedule.
Me (what I'm thinking): Did I just rejoin Residence Life?
Next Friday we are hosting this group and I'm facilitating the games. I though I had left organizing group games behind after leaving both my job as an RA and my various youth and family ministry jobs. It's interesting that the part of my former career that I always felt was one of the most superficial things I did (leading group games) is now turning up in my new food career.

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