Saturday, March 08, 2008

A job that facilitates blogging

It turns out my current job is great for facilitating blogging. While I enjoy my job, and parts of it are intellectually stimulating, there are quite mundane aspects to it as well. There are always dishes to wash, 10 cups of basil to mince, or any number of other tasks that don't require much thought. When I'm doing those things, I write incredibly insightful blog posts in my mind.

The only problem is that when I get home at the end of the day and sit down to type them out, I never am quite able to capture the brilliance and eloquence that I know I had earlier in the day. A friend of mine is looking for a device she can hook up to her brain that would enable her to download to her blog the thoughts she has as she is falling asleep. Suzanne, when you find something like that, I want to get one to bring with me to work!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I will, Chip! I can't believe how many great blogs I've 'written' lately that are lost to the world!