Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Got Mad Skillz, Yo!

Thursday is going to be a busy day at work. We are catering a lunch for 90 people at a financial company where we plan to start a business delivery program. It's a bit intimidating as we have never catered anything this big before. In addition to the lunch, tomorrow night we will host an open house for the 5th grade class at local elementary school (the school that I attended as a whippersnapper) This will kickoff a fundraiser we are doing with the school.

It felt like we racing all day to prep for tomorrow while also doing all of the regular work that comes along on a Wednesday. I spent the first hour and a half of the day mincing herbs and chopping green onions. Last November, when I started this job, it would have taken me twice as long (and my arm and wrist would have been quite sore) to do all of that chopping. I had not noticed along the way that my knife skills had improved as much as they have. Now, I'm certainly not as fast as I would need to be if I worked in a busy kitchen for a nice restaurant, but it's nice to see progress!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Good luck today!